Monday, January 8, 2018

Parker - January 8

Hey everybody!

So first of all, transfers came in, I am going to be leaving this area and heading down to the province of Santiago, area called Ejército, and my new companion is a Peruvian named Elder V. My bus leaves at 3:00 and I'll get there at like 10 at night. 

The province is the southernmost province in the mission, it's basically a desert like Arizona, super hot and dry. And we're in the middle of summer here. I've heard it gets up to 70 degrees celcius (158 fahrenheit) here. Which is insane. Yeah, mostly people just sleep all day. But don't worry. Mostly I just heard that the normal high it ever gets is around 120 farenheit. 70 was like a rarity. 

So yeah, this will be a fun transfer. I've met this elder before, and he seems pretty chill. 

And yeah, this past week has been fun, we were able to do a lot of service for some members. And finally we found some new investigators. Nobody came to church though cuz friday a huge storm passed by Rosario, and it was fierce, like hail, high winds, lots of rain, it was crazy. Luckily we were close to the chapel just as it started, so we took refuge in the chapel until the storm passed. The power went out after like 20 minutes. Then we were gonna head back to the apartment to grab some coats just in case it started back up again, but the streets were literal rivers, so we couldn't cross to get to the apartment. We had to take the long way around, looking for a crossing when we ended up close to a member's house and we stopped by and helped them get all the water out of their hosue. It felt great, it was an adventure. 

And yeah, That was basically it this week. I'm just excited to leave and get some new surroundings. It's good to change. And yeah, I just wanted to share my testimony that I know this church is true, and I know that if one just reads the Book of Mormon, prays, and goes to church, no matter what, God is gonna be able to help us get through whatever problem we're going through. I've been studying grace a lot, and how to access the power of Christ's Atonement more easily. And the simplest answer is to do the simple things, and in times of stress or temptation, think of Him. The spirit will flow into you and you will be able to feel the love of God overwhelm you, and you will find the strength to keep going. A phrase from a talk by Brad Wilcox about grace keeps coming back to me. "Grace is not the light at the end of the tunnel, it is the light that moves us through the tunnel." Always remember that when temptations and difficulties overcome you. Remember that there is light that can move you through that dark tunnel. 

I love you all and have a great week!

Elder Blaylock

PS, this is the last transfer for my new companion, so that should be interesting. 

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