Monday, January 8, 2018

Jack - January 2

Alright. We made it.

This week was soooooooooo long. Mostly because we couldn´t find practically anybody to teach because of vacations and stuff. However, we had an awesome new year.

For new years the zone leaders got permission for all of the elders in the zone to go to their apartment in Valparaíso to watch fireworks. It was awesome. The Saturday before my companion and I had to buy a bunch of groceries to bring to the party, because we were the only ones with money. So when we went to the zone leader´s appartment we had to carry all of our things to stay the night, all of the groceries, and some sleeping bags. We had to take all of that on a very crowded bus. We had all of these bags and right before we left we were trying to decide how to accomplish it... then I looked down at my bag for dirty clothes, which also functions as a backpack. Basically I was Santa Claus, it was so stuffed the straps were close to breaking. 

The party was awesome, it was 8 elders in total in a small appartment, we spent most of the time making pizzas, or more specifically making a mess in their appartment with the outcome of a pizza haha. Then we got to watch the fireworks from their balcony all 8 of us and it was awesome. The funniest part was when after everyone was cheering happy new year an elder who finishes his mission this year yelled out "I¨m want to get married this year!" Then later there were some fireworks in the shape of hearts and he was like,"IT´S A SIGN!" Hahaha, it was pretty funny. The next day we met together as a zone and played some games in the court at one of the church buildings. One of them was volleyball/dodgeball based and it was funny because I´m super tall so I could just keep the ball in the air above everyone´s heads haha. 

Anyways that´s basically all I have to write about today, I hope everyone had a good new year!

Elder Blaylock

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