Monday, January 8, 2018

Jack - December 26

Feliz Navidad! Feliz Navidad! Feliz Navidad, Prospero Año y Felicidad!

I want to wish you a merry Christmas!

Hi Everyone! I hope everyone´s Christmas was awesome! I can´t wait to hear about them. Our week was pretty good, we had exchanges twice, and both were awesome, the missionary couple in charge of health and maintenance of the houses of the mission payed us a visit this week to talk about getting me a better bed, because I´m literaly the tallest missionary in the mission, and there are some pretty tall ones. They also brought my Christmas package from the mission office so that was awesome. Just so everyone knows, the package came in like 1 or 2 weeks, super fast, send me more! Hahaha just kidding. Though I´ve heard if someone sends a letter it takes way longer, no idea why.

Anyways this week was really good, we stopped by one of our investigators who told us he was leaving for four months to start his career as a sailor, we met him about a week or two ago and he is really interested in learning more so even with the information that he was going to be leaving for 4 months starting the 21st of December, we´ve been trying to teach him and have faith. So we stopped by his house the 22nd, and we found out the earliest he can go is the 20th of January! Because he´s only 17 years old. It was like a miracle, we were able to teach him again and he still has tons of enthusiasm to learn more.

For Christmas here, everybody eats a Christmas dinner at like 11:00 and stays up until midnight to see the viajito pascuelo (Santa Claus) and open gifts. Its a bit different but it´s interesting. We had permission to stay out until 11:30 in a member´s house, so that was fun, we ate tacos and they gave us a few presents from the ward here. Also Christmas morning we had a barbeque with the ward mission leader in Casa Blanca with those elders, it was a lot of fun.

Yesterday it was awesome to talk with my family via skype, though I wish it was for more time it was great to see you guys. I love you and hope you had a merry Christmas.

That also goes for everyone, I hope your Christmas was awesome, and that your new year is even better.

-Elder Blaylock

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