Monday, January 30, 2017

Parker - January 23

Hey Everyone! Sorry about the weird writing schedule for me these past two weeks, last week, the internet cafe we usually go to was closed and its closed again today, and the other internet cafe has an odd schedule, it closes at 1 and reopens at 6 for some reason, I´m guessing the midday nap everyone takes here. But anyway, this week was a bit better than last week, hahaha! So yeah, not much happened, we´re just trying to work hard, but it´s difficult here, because you could find someone who´s basically a golden investigator, who progresses fast, loves learning about the gospel, and wants to be baptized, BUT they just can´t get to freaking church. Seriously, it´s so bad here, we only have half full trays for the sacrament, and only two trays for the bread and two for the water, and we still end up having leftover. Sigh. But anyway, we also had a zone conference with the president on thursday. It went pretty good, we had a good lunch at a restaurant, which was bizarre, and then we waited at the stake center for literally five hours as he had to do interviews then, and we went third to last. We got one hour of work in that day, it was so weird. Oh and by the way, for like a couple weeks now, we´ve had a new mission schedule, I think they changed it all over the world, but anyway, they cut down on study time and moved around daily planning so we basically don´t need to do anything when we get back to the apartment at 9:30, so we actually have time to have dinner and can even go to bed early if we want, and we are working more time during the day. It was a weird change, and a bit strange getting used to, but I think I like it. Anyway, that´s really all I have this week. Like I said, it was rather boring. Anyway, I just want to let all of you know that I am doing great in the mission and I love you all!

Elder Blaylock

PS I literally had a flashback to Scooby Doo on Zombie Island when we went into this new investigators´house and it was just FULL of cats 

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