Monday, November 7, 2016

Brock - November 7

So this week has been rather interesting. I got my new companion on Monday. His name is Elder A. He´s eighteen, and he´s putting in his own mission call as soon as this transfer ends. We´ve also been accompanying with some investigators this week, and there were baptized this Sunday! We also had stake conference this weekend, so the whole zone was there, and we ended up having ten people all together get baptized. President and Sister Farnes were also there. 

So on Saturday we were at the bus terminal waiting for a division with the zone leaders to do the baptismal interviews. When we first got there, we met with this guy who had been living with one of our recent-converts until about a week ago. He´s cool, he´s just one of those "young" people that doesn´t go that much for religion. Then, this guy came over and started trying to sell us some hammocks. Now, I´ve always heard that hammocks here in São Paulo are really expensive, but I´ve wanted one for a while. So he comes at me this offer for 95 reais. I kept telling him that we didn´t really have any money. So he began lowering. First seventy, then seventy for two, then forty for two, then thirty. At this point I was hooked. I offered him twenty for one. He gave me both for the twenty. As I began pulling out the money, however, a cop showed up with a submachine gun and started shouting at us, asking what we were doing, where we were going. Then I noticed he was shouting in English. Turns out, he had stopped Elder W., the other American here, earlier this week to speak English (pulled a similar stunt as well), and met them on the way to the division again. And gave them a ride. And let them hold the guns. So anyway, it was pretty interesting. 

Glad to have heard from everyone this week. Sorry about Parker getting sick. Happens to everyone at some point, though. Hope you get better. Love you guys, have a great week.

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