Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Parker - July 10

Hey everybody!

So, this week was interesting. We did exhanges with the other elders in our district. And, my comp was told some good news by the ZL`s. Turns out, the district leader doesn`t need to leave his area during exchanges, his area should be the role model, and he should bring missionaries there to show them how it`s done, so...he got to stay here while I had to go to a rather difficult area for the third time in a row. We spent a good part of the day contacting, cuz they basically have no one to teach. Literally nobody let us in. Then we managed to have one lesson...with an investigator that has known the missionaries for 13 years, and is super paranoid and almost impossible to baptize.........So that was an interesting talk. 

Also, while we did exchanges, my comp did a family home evening in the twig, which was like super sucessful, so when we went back on thursday, it was basically a whole different area, cuz we had so many new people to teach, this week, we`ve managed to find about 20 new investigators. 

Now the sad part. When we did the FHE here, in the branch, on wednesday, I`m not kidding, literally NO ONE showed up. We sat in the chapel for like three hours just waiting. Finally, when we were about to call it quits, one member showed up, kinda sad, because she thought she had shown up late, after everyone had already left. Then we told her that she was the first to show up. 

After giving up, we went and bought some Choripan to cheer us up. Jameson knows what I`m talking about.

Yeah, and on Sunday, because it was the Argentine Independence day, there was very few people in our sacrament meetings. It`s been kinda tough, but we haven`t gotten discouraged, we`re just gonna work a lot harder, we`re changing lots of stuff. We`re gonna change apartments, how we work with members here, everything. 

Also, something that happened that was pretty awesome:

So for the past like seven or so months, I`ve been asking for a Portuguses copy of the Book of Mormon from the offices. And every single time, the ZL`s come back saying ``they didn`t have any.`` Only problem with that is that in the Presidents last conference, I saw another missionary receive a portuguese copy of the book of mormon from his ZL`s. And, this last time, again. nothing. so anyway, this week, my comp was thinking about the stuff he has. About what he`s gonna leave here and what he`s gonna take. He`s sorted out a bunch of  clothes, notebooks, etc. And one day, he turns to me and says ´´Hey, since you want one so bad, and since I`m not gonna take it with me, here`s my triple-combination in Portuguese.´´ WOW! I honestly have no idea what to say to him to express the gratitude I felt. 

And yeah, that`s basically what`s been going on this week. 

I love you all!

Elder Blaylock

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