Monday, February 27, 2017

Parker - February 27

Hey Everybody!

So yeah, this week hasn`t been too terribly interesting. We`ve mostly been trying to find new investigators. Which means we could do some tracting in some areas we`re not too familiar with, or start combing through the mountain of former investigators we have. We chose the paper work, which actually led to a funny discovery of an Elder with absolutely terrible handwriting. We could barely interpret his lettering, Elder L did most of it, though he says that he wishes that he had had a Urim and Thummin in order to decipher it. It was kind of funny. It also showed us the importance of accent marks, because ``A su mama le gusto´´ has a different meaning entirely from ´´A su mamá le gustó.´´ But it has yielded fruit, we found Seven new investigators this week, and many have some potential. I also started doing something that I should have started doing a long time ago, and started marking up my scriptures, color-coded and everything, I have a different color for each of the five points of the Doctrine of Christ (Fe, Arrepentimiento, Bautismo, El Don del Espíritu Santo, y Perseverar Hasta el Fin) and one for La Obra Misional. We also had a zone conference with president last week, and we talked a lot about how many times we skip over Repentance and head straight to Baptism after the people begin showing faith. And a problem actually has to do with the language, because the verb Repent, ´´Arrepentirse´´ also means ´´to regret.´´ So many people think that repentance just means feeling bad for what you`ve done and completely miss the part about changing who you are. But it does incude a change, a change in behavior and in how you think. The mission really does change you. The six months before my mission, I barely changed at all, but now, six months into the mission, I have changed a ton, but I don`t feel like I am losing who I am, I feel like I am finding out who I really am. That`s what Repentance really is, finding out who you really are. Espero que todos de ustedes puedan realmente arrepentirse y encontrar quienes son ustedes. Les amo a todos.

Elder Blaylock

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