Monday, June 5, 2017

Parker - May 29

Hey everyone!

Sounds like people had a busy week this week! My week´s been pretty good. Definitely the highlight was yesterday. 

So we found this family a couple weeks ago, the parents are less actives, and the kids aren´t members, and one of them is over the baptismal age. And we´ve been teaching them, they´re really great, they actually want to return to church, and yesterday they came! It was really great. But that´s not all. In the afternoon, when we did our sacrament meeting in Santa Ana, a few members came with us (read they gave us a ride in their truck) and we were able to pick up an investigator to come with us, but not just her, both of her daughters and a friend who happened to be visiting. Then we get to the member´s house where we do the meeting, and there´s a bunch of people there, all in all, it was the highest attendance that we´ve seen in Santa Ana, mostly its like 15 people, but yesterday it was double that. And two of the members who came with us gave talks. One talked about the importance of prayer, and the other shared his conversion story. And yeah, we have Four people who have baptismal dates! There´s T, who´s the daughter of the less actives, she´s like 10, and really excited to be baptized. There´s the Hermana C, who´s the investigator we brought to church, and there´s J, who at one point in his life tried to change genders, but now he´s really excited to be baptized, he´s read the book of mormon, and totally understands the law of chastity now. And finally there´s T, who´s been on the fence for a while, but now we´re sure he´s gonna make it, yesterday he almost didn´t make it to church, cuz of a birthday party, but he came anyway. 

And yeah, that´s pretty much everything important about my week, I love you all and can´t wait to hear back from you!

Elder Blaylock

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