Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Parker - June 12

Hey everybody!

Sorry for the late email, I´ll explain why in a minute.

So this past week has been pretty ok. We´ve done exchanges, where I stayed in the area, and it went well, which means that I didn´t lose myself. The only problem was that I was doing it with a missionary who ended his mission today. 

We worked hard, and we got a baptism! Yeah, a little girl named T, her parents are both members, who are starting to come back to church. The dad has a tiny problem with alcohol, which I´ll get into later. But yeah, it went great, and her little brother, who´s seven, turns eight in september, is now really excited for his own baptism. 

As for our other baptismal candidates, welllllll, we´re gonna have to keep workin on them, cuz due to some difficulties, they didn´t make it to church yesterday. So, we´ll see how that goes. 

And as for transfers.......I stay here! With the same companion. But, my former companion, the dutch one, is coming here to be a zone leader in my district, so that´s pretty cool. 

Now onto why I am writing late. So. T´s dad, D, didn´t make it to Church on sunday, and today, his aunt, who´s pretty active in the Church, calls us and tells us that D wants to harm himself. So we had to make a dash over there and talk to him. Turns out he drank the day before, and because he was doing so good, it made him sick, and he was feeling pretty low. But we managed to talk to him and get him animated to stay strong. We told him to read the scriptures every day with his family, so he´ll have a source of strength to turn to. 

So yeah, That´s pretty much everything, hope you guys are doing great.

Elder Blaylock

PS Happy 50th Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa!!!

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