Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Brock - June 12

Hello, everybody! We´ve got transfers on Tuesday (my very last one) and I´ll be leaving the capital again....to be a zone leader! That´s right, I´ll be a zone leader in the Progresso area. I´ve never even passed through any area in that zone, so I´m not actually sure where it is, but I have heard good things about the members. My companion has an interesting name so I´ll get a look at it tomorrowand send it in the next weekly email.

Anyway, this week I had to do something drastic---actually, two things. First off, my right foot has been hurting terribly for a few weeks. I´ve assumed that my arch has collapsed. I´m also probably just exaggerating. Also, my left shoe is completely open on the side. So, I went shoe-hunting. This is where the second drastic thing came in to play. We all know I´ve got big feet. So there wasn´t a huge variety of options. And I no longer appreciate black shoes. However, after a prayer, and some teeth-gritting, I bought myself a pair of reasonable black shoes to finish it off. Assuming Jack has a similar foot size at this point, I´ll give them to him. They´re nothing pretty, but they aren´t "open-toed" shoes and my foot doesn´t feel like it´s breaking in half anymore. 

So glad to see these pics from Grandma´ & Grandpa´s anniversary! Everything looks like it turned out great. I love in the video you sent when Grandma says "I´m never surprised," and then immediately gets surprised by Mom being there. Classic.

This week was, once again, a lot of walking and a lot of resolving problems. Just your good old daily missionary life. We ended up really only having time to do some tracting on Friday, so that didn´t leave to much time to follow-up with our investigators that we ended up finding. But we did bring this ten-year-old boy to church again, and he´s so excited for his baptism next Sunday. In one of our visits, we asked him to say the prayer and he said, in the prayer, "Forgive my sins," and "that my baptism will go well". He´s great. 

I love you guys. I can´t express to you how gratifying it is to do the Lord´s work. To feel the Spirit as we teach; as we go along doing seemingly uninspired work; as we decide to visit a member, and, upon arriving, hearing her say, "I was just thinking today that it would be so nice if the missionaries could help me,". I bear my testimony of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, and of his re-established Church. I know these things, for I have lived them. Until next week.
Elder Blaylock

(and then there were six...)

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