Monday, June 19, 2017

Brock - June 19

Hey everybody! This week was good. My companion´s name is Elder C. He´s from Recife but his family currently lives in another state called Sergipe. (He´s like mad rich). And Progresso is basically what I expected. There´s not very many people in the streets, and even though we´re in winter ("winter") here, it´s still gets hotter during the day than in the capital. The zone that I´m in is great. Of of the district leaders here is my companion Elder J (the tall one) and one of the other ones is an elder I did a division with one time, and he´s funny, so we´ve got a good zone here. 

This week was normal. The only difference is that we had to follow up with districts and areas like every day at night. Zone Leader so far is basically hardly different, at least for me. I´m not really sure what exactly my duties are, because there is no training, no manual, or anything. You just get a phone call, "You´re going to be zone leader." Wow. Great. How do I do that? No one really knows. 

Great to hear from you all. Glad things are going better for Parker. Jack is officially now an elder, and has probably been introduced to the widespread problem of not having home teacher visits done. It´s an international Mormon epidemic. There is no ward or branch where the elder´s quorum gets all of their monthly visits done. Happy late Father´s Day (in my defense, it´s not Father´s Day here, and I´m not good with dates). 

I´ll keep on strong. It´s almost done. 

Elder Blaylock 

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