Monday, April 9, 2018

Parker - April 2

Hey Everyone!

TEMPLE EN SALTA!!!!! So that's really cool. I knew that it was coming soon, but it was cool to have it announced while I was still on the mission. Other cool news: My former mission president is now an Area Seventy! I know a general authority! 

So yeah, what a conference. If I could give this conference a title, I'd name it "Powerful." Such a powerful conference. So many talks full of truth and light. 

But, I'll start from the beginning. 

First of all, in this week, we found two new investigators to teach. It's a couple, the woman is the niece of a recent convert, and her boyfriend has had drug problems since he was 12. She got our number from the convert and sent us a text saying that she wanted us to help her boyfriend. So we met up with them, and they are very humble, and ready to learn about the restored gospel. We invited them to baptism, and they accepted. They even remembered the date we set a few days later. And they came to conference! It was so great. 

Then, last friday, we had a surprise party for a young man and young woman in our ward. That's the first enclosed pic. 

And then conference. Sigh first of all. I want to express the deep disappointment I felt when I arrived at the Stake center with fifteen minutes to go, and literally no one had shown up to set up the conference. And no one did show up until five minutes after it had started. It was soul-crushing, to think that I might miss this conference.

But, the Lord had mercy on us and we managed to get it up and running quickly, even in english (whew). And as Russell M Nelson was sustained, I couldn't help but feel such a powerful spirit, and the confirmation that that man is a prophet of God. This confirmation was further confirmed by the results of the rest of the conference. 

So many powerful messages shared. I loved Lynn Robbins talk on failure, as well as the entire first presidency's talks. Whenever they walked up to the pulpit, spiritual truth just poured outward. Some of my favourite quotes from conference inculde: "We're just trying to keep him of the ski slopes." "I chuckled then, but I feel it now," "Behold the man," "If to err is human nature, how many failures will it take until our nature becomes divine? A thousand? More likely, Millions," One more day," "Meekness is strength, not weakness," "I get it, I get it (I know I already quoted him, sue me)", "the smell from the kitchen that signals that her lovingly prepared dinner has become a burnt offering," "By small and simple things are great things come to pass,  #bringbalancetotheforce (ask me later about that hashtag)" "It's not the closest to Christ's church, it IS Christ's church!"  Amongst many others. Those are just the ones I can remember with most clarity. I also loved Bendar's talk on meekness and the first presidency's focus on receiving personal revelation from the Holy Ghost. 

The Priesthood session was also amazing, I personally loved the focus on really taking advantage of and exercizing our priesthood authority and power. Oh, another quote I loved so much: "We don't need so much priests in our church, but we need priesthood holders in every home." I loved this!

Now about the changes: Uniting High Priest groups to Elder's Quorum, and streamlining home teaching and visiting teaching into ministering efforts. This is truly inspired by the Lord. And is further evidence that the Lord is hastening the work in His way. The wisdom of man could not have seen such perfect ways to simplify and refocus the members. This change is unexpected, yet inevitable, like a good twist at the end of a story. 

I also love how, with certain members throughout the world dealing with doubts and saying that the Church always says to just obey what the leaders say and other such nonsense, what President Nelson chose to focus on as he takes the calling is personal revelation. It's as if to say "You don't need to take the word of any man, you have access to the source of all truth, use it, and see if this man is a prophet of god." 

With regards to transfers, I'm staying, and my comp stays the same. Nothing too crazy. 

Anyway, I would exhort all of you to listen to the Prophet's voice, and seek personal revelation in all that you do. There is no other way to endure to the end that with the Lord's divine guidance. I can testify that whenever you are willing to listen, God will speak to you. You don't have to interpret vague feelings you may be used to receiving. If you listen with faith after asking, you will know what He is saying. You will be able to almost hear it. But you will know, nonetheless. 

I love you all, and I share my testimony, and bless all of you in my prayers, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Elder Blaylock

PS The other pics are watching the conference in english and going out to dinner before priesthood session. A gringo found a place that sells real burgers.

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