Monday, March 12, 2018

Jack - March 5

¿Sabe qué? We´re back in business! ¡Es Verdad! I just felt like switching back and forth between Spanish and English, though I really should be practicing my CREOL.

That´s right I taught like 4 or 5 lessons this week in Creol/Spanish. 

Bonswa! Koman ou ye? Mwen bien.

This week was a little crazy, we did a ton of stuff. But I want to start off by saying the mission is incredible, but more than that I´m super grateful to be doing the Lord´s work, because when you really devote yourself to His work you find that he´s the one who´s really working on you. Throughout the mission (and I´m sure it´ll continue) you really come to know your own weaknesses, which, I know, doesn´t sound that great. It´s pretty hard too, but once we can realize and accept our weakness and be humbled, God can start to work through us. Our Pride no longer blocks our way. I´ve had a lot of tough days in the mission, but I can testify that the Lord is looking out for me, because he always knows what´s best for us. He knows just how much to push us (sometimes to our limits) to get us to really trust in Him completely and progress personally in His plan of happiness. Then when it seems like you can´t take anymore he starts to carry you through it. It certainly doesn´t sound easy, but we have to know that we´re here on this Earth as a part in His plan, we´re here to progress. So He pushes us to do that, and then when we´ve walked almost to the point of falling over, He carries us. I´ve seen it countless times in my mission: For example my tough time in the MTC with my companion, then a trainer in the field who helped me in a ton of ways. Or even the difference between last week and this week:

I had exchanges with Casa Blanca and there we taught two Haitians, we also learned how to give the lesson in Creol because one of them speaks spanish very well. I also got to play guitar for a couple minutes at the end of the day with some members, it´s been a while since I´ve played, so that was awesome.

Wednesday was crazy! We ended exchanges in the stake center with a zone meeting. Someone else who was called to be in charge of missionary work for the stake showed up and he´s super excited to work with us so that´ll be awesome. Also he´s moving to our ward soon so that´s even better. After the zone meeting we had brownies and cake and ice cream. It was really good. It was also a mistake. Directly afterwards we had lunch in the peruvian restaurant and it ended up being way too much food. But I was really happy because the only dessert I  saw that they had was their chocolate cake, which is super rich and delicious. So after lunch we were stuffed to the brim, it was crazy. Then we had to go help the sister missionaries change apartments, but the other apartment was a little late moving out so we took the priests, teachers, and deacons who showed up to help with us to go visit people. It was awesome, I hope we were able to get the excited to serve a mission. After that we had an awesome Family Home Evening with an investigator and some members and it went really well. Then when we returned to the house the zone leaders called us and told us they´d be sleeping in our house because they had to stay really late helping the sisters move. We played a weird card game that´s pretty complicated but also pretty fun. 

The next day we went looking for the house of one of the Haitians who used to attend the Spanish Classes we have and there we met 5 haitians and started to teach them. They´ve been the main focus of our work this week, also during exchanges my companion met another one who we started teaching. We found 6 new investigators this week! And 4 of them have baptismal dates! It´s going to be a rough couple of weeks trying to find and teach them so that they understand everything and to get them to attend church but we´re really excited. And yes I actually did teach in Creol, I also read in Creol, apparently my pronunciation is pretty good. I read better than some of them in Creol.

So that´s where we´re at this week, it´s been real busy, and I didn´t even say everything we did. Today we have permission to go explore the other zone of Valparaíso so we´re going to go site seeing and shopping all day today.

I hope everyone had a good week! I can´t wait to hear from you next week!

-Elder Blaylock

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