Monday, October 31, 2016

Parker - October 31

Hey Everyone! 

It´s so great to hear from you, my family really is Incredible ;) But Anyways, I don´t have a lot this week, I did find out that we have a whole other area we are responsible for that we take a taxi to every Tuesday. So that was weird, but, while we were looking for a house, we stumbled on a family of inactives and a new investigator, and they were pretty cool, their only problem is getting time to go to church on sundays because of work and studying. Also, that Tuesday the ward had a homecoming for a return missionary. Already the time seems to fly by fast, I already have two months and a couple weeks under my belt. On wednesday, we went to Jujuy (the center of our zone) and had a conference with another zone and the mission president, and I saw Elder R. from my room at the MTC, so that was fun. I´ve learned something though. Gringo spanish? is about 1000 times easier to understand than native spanish. Hahaha, despite my struggles, I can understand most of what people are saying, and I can hold my own pretty well in a conversation. And when we came back from the conference, we went to one of our new investigators and had a great lesson. We taught the Restoration, and as usual, Elder O. ends by saying ´´Tiene algunas preguntas? Algunas dudas?´´ And she started asking a bunch of questions and I surprised myself by bringing out my scriptures and providing her answers to all of her questions stretching from the Book of Mormon to the Bible. It was awesome, and when she asked about her dead grandmother and friends, she started crying, and Elder O. pulled out the Plan of Salvation Packet, and gave it to her to read and we promised that she can find peace in this life and in the next. And she felt better. She is pretty cool, she lives in a two room house on the side of a hill that we have to climb every time we go there, but she is reading the Book of Mormon and we were able to take her to Stake Conference on Sunday, and she had a good experience there. It was really cool. On Thursday, I was suprised by my first exchange, apparently the Zone leaders come around to check on the area once in a while to see how its doing, and since I didn´t know the area, I had to go with the other ZL to his district and work with him. He was pretty cool, and it wasn´t that bad, almost like a regular day, except we had to end the day by going to the chapel and doing some baptismal interviews (because he´s the ZL). But I made it back to San Pedro on friday alright. That´s pretty much all that happened this week, I love all of you guys and I pray for you every night, I am so grateful for this opportunity to learn more of the Savior by working in His name, I wish you all could be here to see me grow and learn.

Elder Blaylock

PS While pretty much every house has dogs, this week, I saw a parrot. It was weird, especially when it started laughing at me because I didn´t understand a question the family asked.

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