Monday, October 17, 2016

Brock - October 17

District Leader/Trainer

So late Tuesday night (try 11:00 PM) and our zone was stuck in Sorocaba with no way of getting home. All of the other zones are part of Sorocaba and get rides from members or buses, except for one other zone outside of the city, which had their own bus to get home but only had four people going there. So, we managed to find some kind members to get the sisters home (who had forgotten to get their keys from another elder, which we also had to later resolve), and then we waited for the bishop of the other ward in Salto to arrive. He showed up around twelve, twelve-thirty, and off we went. First we went to retrieve the sisters´ keys from the elder who had them, then called the sisters and found out they had called a locksmith and were already home. Then we got on the freeway. Around one o´clock in the morning, we were pulled over by the police. Bishop´s tires were bald (ticket & fine) and he had excess passengers (other ticket & fine) in the back. So I and another elder had to stay at the police station on the side of the freeway until he dropped the other elders off and came back to get us. (Poor guy. Rough night.)

It was actually pretty fun. I don´t get bothered by that kind of stuff anymore. 

The responsibility of district leader/trainer has been a present, very constant, and very real feeling since I came back from the transfer. For my companion (Elder W. from Sorocaba), my area, my district. It´s all been very strange. But I feel ready this time. I feel like I can handle it. 

So this week one of our old investigators found out that his long-time girlfriend (eleven years in January) with whom he has had four children, has been cheating on him for three months. Basically the whole time we´ve known them. It kind of explains why things didn´t work out for them to get married, and why one of their kids (the only one above eight) wasn´t obeying his mother. So our investigator, after finding his girlfriend with her new "friend", became very distraught. She went to live with her new "friend", and our investigator proceeded to burn his house to the ground. Very, very sad. However, he is no longer breaking the law of chastity, therefore, he is now closer to being elegible to be baptized. So we´re working with him this week. 

My district is...interesting. One of the sisters in one area has problems with another sister in a different area. Another companionship stayed in a member´s house all day one day this week when it was raining because the member "wouldn´t let them leave" in the rain. And the other in the area hasn´t had power in their house all week. Speaking of houses, we had to find a new one for our area. They didn´t tell me why we´re moving. (We found a bat in the new place!) Anyway, it´s been a very interesting week. I did get my package, I loved everything. I´ve worn the green tie like four times this week. I love all you guys and love hearing from you.

Elder B. Blaylock

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