Monday, October 17, 2016

Parker - October 17

Wow, this week has been crazy for everyone. For me, it´s been a bit of everything. I fasted on Saturday and got some amazing responses to some of my prayers, including dealing with my companion (He´s only been a convert for two years and he´s trying really hard to learn the doctrine so he can be a good missionary, I just have to focus on that). But yeah, the language is coming pretty well. I can understand and say what I need to, and I can participate more in the actual lessons. When we´re just visitng members though, it´s a little harder because I don´t know what I am going to say and mostly I just respond to questions about my family, the States, or english. But yeah, we do a lot of walking, and it´s really hot here, I am sweating like crazy, but it doesn´t bother me as much as it did back in Maryland, maybe that´s because we´re sweating because we´re practically moving at the speed of light (That´s Elder Osorio for you), and not as much just because we´re outside. I did feel a little sad when you guys said ´´fall festival´´ because that means it´s supposed to be COLD! Sigh, anyway, it´s been great here, I am learning so much, and I´m really developing a love for the scriptures, it´s so crazy. I just can´t wait until I am able to be a senior companion, because then I´ll be totally comfortable here (I´m not that comfortable yet). We do have dates set for baptism, two were supposed to be baptized on saturday last week, but they weren´t home when we went to give them the last couple lessons they needed, and last time that we taught, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was playing in the background (obviously I wasn´t tempted to watch it-hah!) and they weren´t really paying attention. Anyway, my week´s been good, thank you all for the prayers, it means a lot to me. I want you all to know that I am praying for each and every one of you every night (that includes you missionaries from the MTC). I can´t wait to hear from you all again, for now, I´ll say that I love you all
Elder Blaylock

PS, Jacob 5:71-72? They´re pretty cool scriptures

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