Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Parker - September 25

Well Hello everyone!!!

So, This week has been rather interesting. Let`s start from the beginning. 

So Tuesday, we didn`t actually get much done, cuz I had to have an interview with the president in the afternoon that took up a lot of time.

Friday, we went to a Zone Conference, and it was pretty good. Oh yeah, I don`t know how it is in other missions, but here, when someone is ending, in their last zone conference, they give their "Faithful Testimony" and two people gave them this time. One was a sister who was in my first district a year ago, and the other was my zone leader in Tucuman, we did comp exchanges so many times, we`re basically companions. But yeah, it was weird to see, that these people are ending the mission, and that really there isn`t a whole lot of time left for me. 

My comp is saying that when he leaves, I`m gonna train. And yeah, it`s actually very likely. the only question is whether my current comp stays here for one or two transfers. But yeah, basically when I leave this area, I`m gonna have like 6-8 months left, which is insane. 

Also, after the conference, we went with some elders in my district to their area to do exchanges. They had two baptisms last week, and I had to give the baptismal interviews, it was crazy. Afterwards, they had an activity, and invited us to stay. Basically every organization had to prepare some desserts, and the missionaries were gonna be judges, so that was a fun night. One of the elders in that companionship made dirt and worms, you know, with the choclate pudding, oreos, and gummy worms? It was weird. 

And then yesterday was my comp`s birthday, and we had TWO barbecues. One for lunch and one for dinner. It was AWESOME.

And today, we went hiking up this hill/mountain here. It was pretty cool, pictures are included. And then we went and ate MCDonalds in the city. Then we came back to write, but the chapel here has like trashy internet, so we had to come and use an internet cafe. 

But yeah, other than that, everything`s going great here, love you all

Elder Blaylock

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