Monday, August 21, 2017

Parker - August 21

Well, it`s official. I have made it halfway through the mission!

And yeah, this week, it was fairly interesting. We actually did exchanges this week, and I got paired with Elder Robinson from the MTC! It was pretty cool. To come back to see each other after a year in the mission. 

Yeah, and something really crazy happened this week. Last Pday, when we picked up the bikes from the shop, someone began talking to us in english. He actually teaches english, and he started talking to us, cuz he wants to practice. And this week, we were able to visit him in his house. On Friday, and he asked us to talk in English. So, I taught my first lesson in English. It was super crazy. It was really hard for my comp, cuz he`s kinda forgetting his english. But I was able to transition fairly well. And, as we were talking, his father came over and invited us back the next day for Argentine Barbecue. So, that was pretty awesome. And when we went back, we got everyone involved and they`re all really interested. 

We have also found a family of new investigators that are awesome and almost every time we go there, they just give us really good food. And they`re progressing very well.

Also, we are working with lots of other people to get baptized. But really, it`s weird. This zone is rather difficult, so the ZL`s keep asking us "What are you doing to have so much success?" But I`m just like "we`re not really doing anything special, i just feel like the Lord is giving us a lot of blessings." I don`t know if I am being modest or humble or anything, that`s just what it feels like. 

And wow, this transfer is going by super fast. We already are in the second to last week. And me and my comp were looking at the missionaries who are leaving in the next couple transfers, And wow, this next transfer is gonna be really crazy, mostly because now they`ve come up with a rule: 25 months maximum. So they`ve stopped allowing extensions, while allowing all of those people who already extended to stay extended. BUT 25 months max, so like several ZL`s and one of the Assistants are leaving halfway through the transfer, as in like a couple days. It`s so weird. 

But anyway, That`s really it for me this week, I hope you`re all doing great!

Elder Blaylock

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