Monday, October 10, 2016

Parker - October 10

Oh my gosh I have so much to tell you all! First of all, travelling on a 10 hour flight wouldn´t have been that bad . . . if I coul have watched any of the thousands of movies in the screen right in front of my face! Sigh, anyway, I arrived in Salta without any trouble. And we spent the first night in a hotel, then got our new companions the next day. Elder Osorio is my trainer, he´s pretty cool, he´s pretty into exercise (turns out, P90X is a real thing, who knew?). My first area is San Pedro, and just to give you an idea of the place, I have been inside like 20 different buildings and the only ones that had a full roof were my apartment and the church. There is also SO many dogs here, like, it´s insane. Walking around everwhere isn´t a big problem, what is weird though is the meals. They kind of have breakfast (Mate) have a HUGE lunch, and don´t even have dinner. But luckily all of the members offer to feed the missionaries like every day, so we haven´t been starving. Everybody is really humble here, and willing to listen, it´s just difficult to get them to commit to things fully. But they are all so nice. It is difficult here for me though, I miss all of you so much. I have had to find things to do to help calm down in the off hours in the morning and at night.  But prayer has really helped me to stay calm as well. The language is a bit of a difficulty for me, I usually don´t know what´s going on at any given moment, mostly because of their accents down here (most of the time, they completely leave off the s at the end of a sentence ´´Nosotro somo misionero de la Iglesia de lo Santo de lo Ultima Día´´ it´s driving me insane). Church was good, not a whole lot of people there though. It´s hard to get people to Church here. For Pday today, we met up with our zone and played soccer and ate a big lunch, it was pretty fun (mostly because there´s like 7 other Americans in my zone). Anyway, that is all I can think of for now, I love you all,

Elder Blaylock

PS They don´t have toilet paper here, instead, they have another toilet-looking device that shoots water at your rear end . . . I hate bathrooms here.

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