Monday, September 12, 2016

Parker- September 10

How's it going everybody? This week sounds like just another week for you guys, but some pretty amazing things happened to me this week. First of all, on Sunday, everybody in our district decided that they needed to have some Priesthood Blessings of Comfort, so we spent the night doing that, and it was just so powerful in the room, we could feel all of the people on the other side who all wanted us to serve missions in the room with us. And for Tuesday Night Devotional, I'm sitting in Choir, and then the director says "This needs to be perfect, because we're going to have a very special guest here tonight." And guess who walks in? D. Todd Christofferson! It was so cool! His message was truly inspired, and it was broadcast to all of the MTCs around the world, and guess what? He asked some audience members to read some scriptures on the screen or answer a question, and I got to read one of the scriptures! I was trying to answer a question, but still. He was asking about how Repentance and Baptism are the same, and I was going to say that I thought it was interesting how we use the same words to describe these things, about how they are a cleansing of our souls. And that's not all that happenned this week, though this next bit is kind of sad. So we have two districts in our zone, and one of the Elders in the other district was having medical problems due to his epilepsy, and he ended up having to go home, so they took one of the Elders in my trio to be the companion of the Elder who's companion went home, so he had to move bedrooms, classrooms, and everything, after all of that spiritual stuff that had brought us all closer together as a district. So now it's just me and Elder Robinson, and we're both trying to work hard on the studying. What I think is most interesting thing about this is that earlier that day, during Companionship Inventory, I shared something from mom's letter that she sent with me, about how worshiping the Lord is about what we are willing to give up at personal cost. So I think in the end, it will be good for him. 
That's all I really have to say generally, sorry I'm so late, me and Elder Robinson decided to go to the temple eariler today.
I love all of you,
Elder Blaylock

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