Monday, October 30, 2017

Jack - October 30

Hi everyone! I hope everything is going well back home! Things are pretty up and down over here. Some days are really long and all of our scheduled lessons fall through, and other days we seem to meet some people who might be interested but then it turns out they´re not or it´s impossible to set up a lesson with them. We have some exciting things planned for this week though, and we had some good days last week too--don´t worry. I got to play guitar at a member´s house twice last week, so that was awesome haha. I wish I had one I could practice with on pday. One day we were walking through this one area and this dog just started following us, it wasn´t really bad because it was actually a really tame dog. So it was pretty funny, I turned to my companion and said we made a new friend. We turned a corner onto another street though and every dog on that street went berzerk at the dog following us. One dog burst after the one following us when their owner opened their gate to go inside, another dog straight up jumped over a concrete wall to start attacking this other dog. It was crazy. I walked into a members house the other day and Stranger Things was on... I was sad haha, I don´t want any spoilers so I was trying not to pay attention but it was also pretty loud. Luckily we were only stopping by to grab something haha, that and it was actually an episode from season 1. Last week pretty much the only lesson we had was with a group of four Haitians who don´t speak practically any Spanish, so that was hard. We had a lesson in the church building and showed them a video in French about the restoration, but they completely missed the point and were like how is there a video if there weren´t videos back then. Still not sure they completely understand it was a representation but the rest of the lesson went pretty well I think. On Sunday, two of the four we taught showed up to church with like four others, soooooo.... wish I remembered any french at all from high school. Pretty much as soon as I started learning spanish everything I knew about french went out the window. I need like a basic French book or something. Also last week after I emailed we met up with all the missionaries in the zone and played soccer for 2 hours on some really nice fields owned by the owner of our pension, because apparently he owns everything haha, he´s nice though, and a member. They invite us in for dinner a lot. Oh and let me just say, the lunches may be hard but the dinners are perfect. It´s basically just bread, deli meat, and guacamole. Everytime. It´s awesome how much they have guacamole down here. Anyways, I feel like I´m forgetting something, but that´s how our week went. We had a training for the new missionaries so I got to see some of the people from the MTC again and it was funny because we were able to talk about our areas and stuff, I got to show them how the owner of my pension owns a ton of stuff that we can use pretty much whenever, and I had to point out to one of them that it had only been a week since we´d last seen each other haha. They were acting like it had been a month, which it had felt like, but it was funny. Anyways I hope everyone´s doing well back home! I can´t wait to hear from you! 

Elder Blaylock
(PS Every night the sky is somehow different and beautiful)

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