Thursday, May 3, 2018

Parker - April 23

Hey everybody!

This week has been pretty hectic, but this coming week is gonna be even more hectic, Tormenta Blanca tomorrow, big service wednesday morning in another area, zone conference on thursday, and a baptism. 

Let's start with the baptisms.

Yeah. Lately we've been having baptisms every week. First of all, it's pretty cool, never had it before in the mission. Second of all, it's a ton of work and incredibly stressful and it's gonna leave us with zero investigators and a bunch of recent converts to visit. And third of all, we're having this much success mainly cuz the members are actually working here. They're not working together or very efficiently, but they're at least working. 

Really that's where the missionaries have the most success. When the members help. I've met several missionaries who don't work with members and just separate themselves from them. They spend their days contacting and contacting and contacting. Occasionally they're gonna have a baptism, and maybe even once in a while, they'll happen upon a really strong convert. But those missionaries have never read preach my gospel or the scriptures. Because everywhere is the evidence that when a member helps a missionary find an investigator, that investigator has a higher chance of getting baptized and staying active in the church. Even if they don't get baptized right away, they'll still have contact with the church and will have a chance later on. 

Anyway, back to my week. 

We've had a lot to do. We're heading to a neighborhood that's pretty far away, so we can reactivate the members there and baptize some investigators there. Two people from that neighborhood are getting baptized this week. 

We've also had to do exchanges with the other elders in the district cuz they had six baptisms last week. Seriously. It was crazy. We also had to go to the zone leader's area and do an interview there. 

I'm getting pretty pensive now I'm getting close to ending, so I apologize, but I'm gonna take this chance to reflect on my time as district leader.

I've really enjoyed it, to be honest. I have the opportunity to help in missionary work in a special way. Helping out each individual missionary in my district. Doing baptismal interviews. Preparing District Meeting. That's why, even though I'm getting pretty burnt out in the mission, and it's getting harder and harder to find the energy to do things in the mission. But something that doesn't bother me at all, and gets me really excited is doing a baptismal interview. I don't know, maybe I'm weird like that. 

But anyway, to finish off with the week. We're also visiting K and J. We finally got the booklet for the 12 step program, and we've begun to do it with Javier, so he can quit drugs. He's progressing really well. The thing that's really helping him is reading the Book of Mormon. 

And yeah, then yesterday, we had a baptism after sacrament meeting, cuz that's when the dad could make it, we baptised this kid. Nicknamed Chachín. He's a rambunctious little devil, but he was so excited to get baptized. And his dad (nonmember) was so happy to see his kid get baptized. He's the cousin of a couple of members who's got some problems with drugs and other things, so his aunt takes care of Chachín. We want to work with the dad, but the problem is that he doesn't come around too often. 

But yeah, that's pretty much all I got for this week.

Here are a couple pics from the week.

I love you all!

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