Monday, December 4, 2017

Parker - December 4

Alright everybody, calm down.

For those of you who don´t know, I had a little experience this past week. But I think it´ll just be better if we go in order, starting from the top. 

So, Monday, we go to a shopping mall here and get my comp a camera, cuz he lost his in the MTC. And we come back here, visit a few people, and I get to know my new district. Another elder´s training and a Brazilian sister´s coming in, so that´s fun. 

Tuesday, we didn´t have district meeting, cuz half the district wasn´t gonna be able to make it. So we try to visit some people in the morning and manage to get some good contacts in. 

Alright now, for the good stuff. So, we went to pick up lunch from a member here, we don´t always eat in their house, sometimes they just give it to us in a Tupperware container. So we eat lunch in the apartment, and we are about to start companionship study, cuz we needed to leave at like 3:30. So, cuz I was sitting down for a little bit, I stand up to go stretch. Only thing is, I stretch a little too far and something happens with my spine and I had something similar to an epileptic seizure. I lost consciousness for about thirty seconds, at which point I fell on the floor and knocked my head on a metal pole sticking out of the wall. As I gradually come to, I realize that I am on the floor and convulsing, then I fully wake up and realized what has happened (remembering the other time I stretched my back too far and lost consciousness for half a minute, told you guys it wasn´t the video games), and I feel liquid running down the back of my head and neck. I put a hand on the back of my neck and see blood. 

Now My comp is moving, he quickly grabs a towel, gets it wet and tells me to put pressure on the back of my head with it. So that´s what I´m doing, he´s calling mission president, who puts him on with the Assistant who speaks English, and we have to run down to the hospital. Then we have a hassle to get a taxi to get down to the hospital, and I lie face down on some table and they start stitching me up. (Cuz health care´s free here.) The only thing is that they weren´t the most gentle about it. But they bandaged me up, and I walk back to the apartment. Like a ten minute walk, with a bandage on my head and a camisa blanca that´s not so blanca anymore. 

Then, my comp cleans up the blood, and I´m asking. "So who do you think we´ll be able to visit today?" And he´s like "Um, I just cleaned up a lot of your blood, you´re staying here and relaxing." Then the assistants show up. Tell me the same, and give me a spiritual blessing. So Tuesday I stayed in bed. Not so fun when you can´t move your head around due to the bandage. 

Then Wednesday morning, cuz I know mom and dad would want to know what is happening, I send a video I took the night before. And we take it easy. We still go out to visit some people, just not in the hot sun, cuz it was messing up my head. 

Thursday is an interesting day. We went to Salta to get some paperwork done for my comp, which takes forever. We arrived at 7:15, and weren´t out of there till 10:45. Then while in the offices, they realize that they only got half of his paperwork done, and they leave me there with the other missionaries. Now, President Orquera would like me to go to this one clinic and get an MRI done or something like that. SO I´m calling this place and they´re just bumping me around from department to department until finally, someone said "We´re too busy right now" And then hung up. After that, I tried to call again, but every time it said that the line was occupied. So president says that after lunch I should just go and talk to them in person. 

So they order Chinese food for lunch, it wasn´t bad. No Orange chicken, wantons, or fortune cookies though, so. 

But while we´re eating lunch, it starts raining. And I can´t get my head wet. That´s what the doctors told me. And I did not bring an umbrella. So we were stuck there in the offices. While we were stuck there. the assistants come over with like 6000 sheets of paper and over 10,000 cards, and ask me, my comp, and another missionary to split them up between the different zones. So we were there for the next couple hours doing that. 

Then we go to the clinic and get an appointment for Friday at 7:15 pm. 

Friday morning we get Weekly Planning done. They call us after lunch saying, "Hey, your doctor´s not coming in today, so come back Monday." So we went out and visited some people. 

Saturday morning we have zone conference, that was fun, explaining my head injury to the entire zone about four dozen times. Then we have a fiasco afterwards, and bottom line, we end up with no lunch. And in the afternoon, we head BACK to Salta to help out the sisters in Tribuno with their Church Open House. It was fairly fun. And afterwards, we went to an Italian restaurant, cuz we didn´t have lunch. 

Sunday, we have church, we do a presentation on the Light the World initiative, it was pretty cool. And we manage to have a great lesson with an investigator that night. 

So, today, we went to a cool, like ski lift type thing, and got surprised with a bunch of other missionaries, most of which were my friends. And now, we´re here, writing, and later, we´ll go BACK to Salta to see what the deal is. 

Anyway, it was a pretty crazy week. But I love you guys, don´t worry about me, I´m feeling fine. 

Elder Blaylock

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