So yeah, we´ve had a fairly interesting week. The highlight was the ahem ´´Noche de Talentos´´ Thursday. So, sigh, here´s the story.
Last week, our Branch president tells us ´´hey, instead of doing a family home evening at the church every tuesday, how about we start doing them thursday instead, and we can start it off by doing a talent show!´´ So we´re like ok, yeah, sounds great. So we invite people, tell them to be there at 6:30. And we get there, nobody shows up until 7:30, and nobody had a talent, yet everybody was quick to say stuff ike ´´hey, don´t hide your talents, god gave us talents to show them´´ but then we would ask the people who said that to come up and show something, they would shut up and say that they don´t have any talents.
Soooooooooooo, I had to take some drastic measures to save the night. Attatched is a video that my comp took. All I can say about it is ´´It is finished, my humiliation is complete Father´´
Anyway. Apart from that, with the transfers, there was a lot of change in the mission, but with me, not a whole lot. Although the district is gonna have some challenges. Good news is that my former comp, the Dutchman, is my zone leader now, and he´s really awesome, and me and my current companion are getting along a lot better and are getting some good work done.
But yeah, just to let you guys know how disorganized this zone is, I´ll explain my pday today for you.
So we had planned to get together and play soccer in Concepción, the ZL´s area. And we were supposed to be there at 9:00. So my comp and I go, early morning to be there on time. We get there, and nobody was in their apartment, but we couldn´t figure out where they had gone, cuz we could hear the phone ringing inside the apartment, and their bikes were there. At 9:45, they show up, turns out they went to go bring the beds from the old apartment to the new apartment. Alright whatever. Then we start to get calls and texts from the other areas, one was saying that they still weren´t sure whether they were gonna go, and others decided to do their own thing and make up new plans. So at noon, we just came back here. We wasted half a day. BUT, don´t worry about me. I am doing a ton better. Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, it´s all going a lot better now.
Just a heads up, we´re probably gonna have a baptism this week. The guy would´ve gotten baptised last week, but he needs to be interviewed by the mission president or one of his counselors, and the guy who was going to come last friday woke up super sick, so he couldn´t come. So now we just have to wait for the interview tomorrow to see what happens. But I think it´ll be ok. His name´s J L. He is really excited for his baptism. It´s really great to see that anyone can make the changes and be baptized if they truly want it.
Well, that´s all I´ve got this week, hope you guys have a good one,
Elder Blaylock
(From Jenny: I can't get the video to load here. If you came here from fb, check the comments, I will try to post it there. So funny.)
(From Jenny: I can't get the video to load here. If you came here from fb, check the comments, I will try to post it there. So funny.)